Ākonga explore big concepts through different subject lenses and are encouraged to make connections across, as well as within, subject areas, wherever possible. Subject groups within the PYP that are taught in the Upper Primary include: languages, mathematics, science, the arts, social studies, religious education and personal, social and physical education. The program of inquiry is carefully planned by kaiako and is designed to give ākonga the skills to take the lead in their own learning. Together with our ākonga we establish what each taitamaiti (child) knows, what knowledge they have access to, and what knowledge they can build. We explore the world in which we live, ask questions, make discoveries and develop new understandings.
Self-esteem is an important part of education and is addressed in the learning of our ākonga . In the Upper Primary we continue to build upon the strengths and give ākonga the confidence to overcome their weaknesses. In doing so, we aim to achieve a positive learning environment where success is constantly attainable.