CodeCamp After School Programme

Code Camp allows boys and girls to develop 21st-century skills in a fun and action-packed environment. Students get to create projects in a pretend tech company environment. They’ll create games and websites, and build mobile apps, developing confidence and initiative through design, creativity, solving problems and collaboration. Suitable for ages 7+.

MAC/CRACAMAC Club (Maths Achievement Challenge)

Members of the MAC/CRACAMAC group complete mathematical investigations on a range of topics linked to practical, everyday mathematical skills. Students take ownership of the research and complete investigations in order to receive a badge which they can wear on their school blazer for the remainder of their time at St Mark’s.

Robotics Club

Our after-school Robotics Club has been a huge success in recent years. Sessions prepare students for the annual Robocup Competition.  All that is needed to join Robotics Club is a device, a set of headphones, and a willingness to try new things!

Library Activities: Comic Club and Lit Quiz

St Mark’s School’s Lit Quiz team prepare for the Wellington competition each year, competing for top prizes and a position in the National competition. Students are quizzed on their knowledge of literature in a range of categories and genres.

The library is also the venue for our student-led Comic Club.

Chess Club

Chess Club at St Mark’s started out of the interest of some of the Lower Primary children. They were fascinated to learn how each of the pieces moved to create competition.

The lunchtime club is now open to all children at St Mark’s. Children from years 0-8 interact with each other, competing and learning as they go. We have some champion Chess Masters among us, so our “new to the game” children have the opportunity to learn as they watch the action unfold.

Service Club

Our Service Club are involved in many community projects, such as collecting clothing for Kiwi Community Assistance and sourcing donations of non-perishable food items such as cereal, pasta, tins of food or biscuits for the Wellington City Mission’s food bank.