


St Mark’s School endeavours to give special care and attention to our international students and to encourage them to reach their full potential in a supportive and caring environment.  We have a warm and close relationship with our international families and need to have an assurance of support by the student’s parents and the promise of the students willingness to comply with the rules and standards of the school and the community to ensure the well being of all concerned.

A high standard of behaviour is required at all times. Our rules are based on the following ideas:

  • That we respect others
  • That we respect ourselves
  • That we are courteous
  • That we strive to do our best

Students are expected to:

  • Work to the best of their ability
    To wear the uniform correctly and with pride, and to ensure that it is clean and in good condition
  • To be at school on time and at all classes on time
  • To advise the school if they are going to be absent
  • To be properly equipped for all lessons
  • To do the homework that is set in each subject
  • To respect the property of others
  • To respect school facilities, furniture and equipment
  • To accept the rights of others, both students and staff, to be free from disruption or put down
  • To acknowledge that chewing gum, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs have no place in our school nor do harmful items such as matches, lighters and weapons.

If a student does not comply with the Code of Conduct, St Mark’s School reserves the right to terminate the Contract of Enrolment. No refund of fees will be made.

Students are also required to:

  • Attend all classes and have at least a 95% attendance rate (please see our Attendance Policy)
  • If the student does not attend regularly, the parent will be notified and a student may have their Contract of Enrolment terminated.
  • Leave must be applied for in writing, to the Principal.


All clauses and obligations outlined in the Contract of Enrolment must be adhered to by the student and parents. This includes the accommodation requirements outlined stating that students at St Mark’s School must reside with at least one parent at all times while studying at our school.

Parent/s must complete the declaration located in the Student Diary once a week.

Cybersafety Agreement

Students are required to complete a Cybersafety Agreement (located in the Student Diary). The purpose of this agreement is to create and maintain a cybersafety culture which is in keeping with the values of the school, and legislative and professional obligations. The agreement contains information about obligations, responsibilities and the nature of possible consequences associated with cybersafety breaches which undermine the safety of the school environment.

Sport Code of Conduct

St Mark’s prides itself on the sports fields and courts of playing to win and playing fairly within the rules of the game. Our “Sport Code of Conduct” is based on guidelines from Sport NZ. Our children have a proud reputation for a sense of fair play and excellent behaviour, both on the field and the sidelines as spectators. The Sport Code of Conduct can be found in the Student Diary.


The following policy is the School’s current disciplinary policy for dealing with breaches of the Enrolment Contract. This is not intended to restrict the School’s general power of discipline and this policy may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the school.


  1. Except in serious situations where immediate termination of the Agreement is necessary, or where the breach does not warrant any formal response other than a warning, the School will endeavour, where appropriate to follow a two-stage disciplinary process.
  2. In Stage One, the School will investigate and determine the facts, and will reach a conclusion on what happened and whether it amounts to a breach of the Agreement.
  3. In Stage Two, if the School has determined that a breach has occurred, the School will consider the appropriate response to the breach, up to and including termination of the Agreement.
  4. The Student will have an opportunity to provide a response to the alleged breach that the School is investigating (the Allegation) and any proposed disciplinary action that the School is considering taking (the Proposed Action).
  5. The policy does not limit the School’s power to take appropriate disciplinary action urgently and without following this process if this is necessary having regard to the seriousness of the breach.
  6. The policy also does not limit the School’s power to suspend the student for the duration of the disciplinary process where suspension is considered necessary for the safety or education of any person.

General Policy

  1. When the School is conducting a disciplinary process involving the Student it will endeavour to provide the Student with the following:
  • a written summary of the Allegation or the Proposed Action;
  • an opportunity to respond to the Allegation or the Proposed Action, either in person or in writing, or both at the choice of the Student;
  • an opportunity to consider the Allegation or the Proposed Action for a reasonable period of time (having regard to the seriousness of the Allegation or the Proposed Action) before giving a response;
  • an opportunity to contact his or her Parent before giving a response, unless the delay caused by contacting that person is unreasonable having regard to the seriousness of the Allegation or Proposed Action;
  • an opportunity to have an independent support person (may be the Pastoral Care Coordinator) of his or her choice present at any meeting relating to the disciplinary process;
  • an opportunity to meet with that support person in private at any stage during the disciplinary process;
  • an opportunity to have a translator present (or otherwise facilitate the student participating in the process in his or her own language) during any meeting or process if the School or the Student considers that a language barrier means that a translator is required; and
  • a copy of this policy setting out the rights which the Student has when engaging in the disciplinary process.

Disciplinary Procedure

Stage One: Incident Investigation

  1. When the school learns of an incident or any other thing that may be a breach of the Agreement or might otherwise warrant a disciplinary response, the School will notify the Student of the Allegation and will provide the Student with the opportunity to give a response.
  2. Where appropriate, having regard to the seriousness of the Allegation, the Student will have the opportunity to respond either in person or in writing or both, at the choice of the Student. The School will receive this response and give it genuine consideration before making a decision about the disciplinary action to be taken.
  3. When the School makes a decision about the Allegation is will advise the Student and parent, in writing if possible about its conclusion as to what happened and whether it amounts to a breach of the Agreement.

Stage Two: Outcome Discussion

  1. If the School determines that a breach of the Agreement has occurred, it will advise the Student and parent of the possible disciplinary actions that it will consider taking in response to the breach and will provide the Student and parents with an opportunity to give a response.
  2. Where appropriate, having regard to the seriousness of the breach, the Student and parent will have the opportunity to respond either in person or in writing or both, at the choice of the Student. The School will receive this response and give it consideration before making a decision about the disciplinary action to be taken.
  3. When the School makes a decision about the disciplinary action that it will take in response to the breach it will advise the Student and parents of its decision, in writing if possible. The disciplinary action will not take effect, and no actions will be put in place, until the Student and parents have been advised of the decision.